This is the story of Morvran...
A Medieval Saga of a Forbidden Love and a Barbaric Church
The tragic account of the Welsh Noble, Sir Morvran ab moel Llywarch, is grounded in factual events and personalities and the story opens with a brutal medieval public execution in 1213 England.
At the dawn of the 1200s, a well-educated Noble, Sir Morvran Llywarch, loves books and manuscripts and chooses a scholar’s life over Knighthood. In his search for knowledge and the mysterious, he embraces the eternal esoteric Cathar teachings and becomes a leader known as Capuche.
In this feudal world of brutal suppression, corruption, and hypocrisy of the Catholic Church, the Gnostic movement of the Cathars stands out as a beacon of hope but is a thorn in the eyes of the Church. Witnessing their savagery, Capuche sets out to take from the Church and even the scales.
When he innovates bookmaking and falls in love with a nun — a member of the l’Estrange family — his life takes an irreversible turn. Their illicit love, Capuche’s Cathar affiliation, and nightly raids provoke the terrifying wrath of the Church. But uncovering Capuche’s identity proves difficult, as the Cathars hide in plain sight, part of a population that loves and protects them.
Capuche is a tragedy and a story of hope and passion and suffering, a mystical journey in search of the beyond, and of love under the most arduous circumstances.